A detailed guide to integrating with Rubicon Gladius as a: Market Maker, Arbitraguer, Trader, and Aggregator.

Please note that this system is open and peer-to-peer. Trade execution is not guaranteed and gas is paid by a market maker or arbitrageur to settle Gladius orders, saving the user from transaction fees. To increase the likelihood of a filled trade as an offerer, increase size and slippage as needed.

What is it?

Rubicon Gladius is an offchain intents pool that utilizes permit2 to provide a gasless market-making and trading experience while remaining non-custodial with onchain settlement. It is a synergistic feature of the core Rubicon onchain order book and users can enjoy a hybrid trading experience with both. Gladius is an adapted fork of Uniswap X and aims to make a number of key improvements to design for market makers in particular, while also benefitting traders. The Gladius pool of orders is open to anyone and represents a new paradigm for onchain ERC20 trading.

Note, Rubicon Gladius is in open Beta - use at your own risk! All core contracts have been audited as they are forked from Uniswap X and the Gladius contracts will be added to our ImmuneFi Bug Bounty which will be live 🔜**.**


Dutch auction

⭐ Gladius_API_Endpoint = https://gladius.rubicon.finance/

⭐ Hydra Matching Address = 0x2641884BB28E3d832E7D57Dc71e76E849f20Ce02